Transformational Training for Army Chaplains

Ten Army Chaplains from the South Sudan People Defense Forces (SSPDF) participated in a 5 day training in Transformational Leadership. The training focused on wholistic transformation by discussing worldviews, identifying the webs of lies set by Satan among communities. Leaders journeyed through the word of God and learned how they can be agents of transformation to their communities. The training used the Transformation Leadership training (formerly known as Samaritan Strategy –CMIS-Africa)

Transformational Journey Through Scripture

The second part of the training wasStewardship of Local Income Opportunities and provided basic skills on how to grow high-value vegetables using the available space within church compounds and homes for income and neighbourly purposes.

Participant Presents His
Seed Project Idea

At the end of the training the trainers wrote a Seed Project that they will implement in their own community. Implementation of the seed project is a condition of graduation. Participants were also given vegetable seeds of different kinds to give them a head start and encourage them to start farming.
