Statement of Faith

We worship one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the unity of the Trinity as declared in the Apostles and Nicene Creeds.

We hold faith in Jesus Christ, God incarnate, and the Redeemer of the World by his atoning death and bodily resurrection, in whom persons receive salvation through faith, and we affirm the active role of the Holy Spirit.

We accept the canonical Scriptures of the Old Testament and New Testament as the fully inspired Word of God, which contains all things necessary for salvation and which is our ultimate standard of faith and authority for conduct.

In adopting the foregoing basis of faith, ACROSS recognises that this does not fully express the doctrinal standards of all partners and donors, nor does ACROSS expect them, in accepting this brief statement of our common faith, to reject any of their doctrinal standards. However, any member of the Board or staff member must agree to this Statement of Faith. ACROSS works with a number of different Agencies and has a special relationship with those which participate in ACROSS programs by provision of personnel, funds, goods or services and which affirm this Statement of Faith.
