
The ACROSS Media Department works with partners such as Dan church Aid (DCA), Pioneer Australia, World Vision and Christian Aid (CA) to develop, translate, record and disseminate messages of peace and reconciliation to some of the most remote regions of South Sudan.

The church in South Sudan has historically played an influential role in resolving conflicts, reconciling parties, and building trust and confidence between communities. ACROSS media has joined the South Sudan Council of Churches to use Digital Audio Players (DAPs) to communicate messages regarding gender-based violence, and peace and reconciliation.. To help move the peace building activities forward, ACROSS, with support from Christian Aid, implemented a pilot project called “Action Plan for Peace and Gender Based Violence” Using digital audio players as a messenger of peace. This project is currently underway with messages being recorded for distribution.

Additionally, ACROSS has developed a chaplaincy training program for the South Sudan Armed Forces covering topics such as: personal spiritual growth, duty of a soldier to defend the nation and not exceed his mandate, coping with the trauma of war experiences and personal failures, coping with loss of loved ones by atrocities in the war and not driving them to use their weapons beyond the call of duty, staying sexually faithful with partners, being sober and of good character, meeting life’s difficulties generally (both those faced by all men and those because of their unique lifestyle) and building positive relationships within the army community as well as outside with civilian populations.

The Media department also produces programs for airing over radio and has developed teacher training material for reaching teachers in remote areas.
