ACROSS History

ACROSS is an inter-denominational Christian organization founded in 1972 by four mission societies: Africa Inland Mission (AIM), Sudan United Mission (SUM), Sudan Interior Mission (SIM), and Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF). Originally formed to allow these organisations a platform on which they could serve what was then Sudan, the collaboration was named: African Committee for the Rehabilitation of South Sudan. In later years, when it was no longer necessary to keep our identity neutral, we were called the Association of Christian Resource Organizations Serving Sudan. Today, having outgrown all previous acronyms, we are simply known as ACROSS.
ACROSS has always been a place where people from around the world have come to serve God and grow in their personal and professional development. Today we continue the tradition of receiving seconded missionary and volunteer staff on our team. ACROSS has also been the platform where many South Sudanese have become mature Christian professionals, often going on to hold major responsibilities and strategic positions in the South Sudan government, Church and society at large.
ACROSS has a special and valuable partnership with the Church in South Sudan. The vision of ACROSS is to see the local church become a resource and a vibrant centre for hope, help and healing in the communities we serve.
The dynamics in South Sudan affect the nature and style of ACROSS’s work. As a local organization, we stay in place when others have had to leave. Beyond security issues, refugee issues, and political movements, the presence of international relief agencies has made some people hopeless and others dependent—dampening some people’s imagination for change. Over the years, from times or war to the peace agreement in 2005, then to the independence of the Republic of South Sudan and the signing of subsequent peace agreements following civil clashes- ACROSS has had to respond to new realities both helpful and challenging.
Today, ACROSS is an interdenominational Christian organization focused on holistic, Christ-centred transformation of South Sudan and beyond. We work to build communities, improve education, strengthen churches, improve livelihoods, and teach about human dignity. Working with South Sudanese communities in a dialogue of equals, ACROSS seeks biblical transformation in all sectors. Through training programs and local resources, ACROSS works to understand and engage root causes of problems from the perspective of those affected. A holistic approach, one for the whole person and whole community, is necessary for creating meaningful relationships and authentic change.